Saturday, September 20, 2008

Rick Jacobel, Summer 1958

Rick Jacobel (left) & Family at Lake Ballard (Denny's cabin), 1958:
"There were blueberry bushes that grew in the wild. I remember going out early one morning to collect a colander of the blueberries so that my mother could add them to the pancake batter for our breakfast." - Rick

Rick inside Denny's cabin in 1958 - with friend Snapper T. Turtle, Jr.!

Where The Buffalo Roam... inside Denny's cabin!

Lake Ballard as seen by Rick from Denny Giriat's dock in 1958:
"I used to spend hours out in the row boat with my fishing pole, catching sun fish, and then throwing them back into the water." - Rick Jacobel, 2008

Click on any image to enlarge. And many thanks to Rick for sharing these great memories!

(This page was updated September 21st, 2008)

1 comment:

David said...

We're really enjoying your pics, Rick; the lake, you with Snapper Jr., and the buffalo! Also, there's something very warm and inviting in viewing your family having a meal on the porch, looking up as if an unexpected yet welcome guest had just walked in the door... and dinner is waiting. An extra plate always ready in a beautiful setting, just in case "I" showed up... a scene underlined by your mom's smile.

Many thanks again for sharing your memories.