Sunday, September 14, 2008

Bolla's Restaurant - Bottlegate Farm

Postcard images, c. 1946/7(?)

Entrance to Olsen & Johnson's dairy farm was flanked by two giant milk bottles. For a period during the mid-1950's, the restaurant was known as "Bolla's." Mr. Bolla, or "Chef Bolla," had formerly worked as the sous chef at the Waldorf Astoria in NYC.

Update: The following image was taken by Jim Molloy in mid-January, 2009. The former Olsen & Johnson (popular comedy team of Vaudevillian fame) property is currently known as Bottlegate Farm:

Note: Technically, Bottlegate Farm is in "Kent" (a/k/a Town of Kent, also "Kent Lakes"), although "Carmel," about 8 miles further south, is the mailing district.

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