Sunday, September 14, 2008

Downtown Carmel, 1953

Postcard Image (click images to enlarge)

Many thanks for this photo to Skip & Rob Pearlman, descendants of Max Pearlman, the owner.

Update 9/9/09: Carmel Diner, downtown Carmel, NY - circa 1953. See the Carmel Facebook Page (link), where you'll find many interesting historical pictures of and around Carmel. The above is only a sampling, but an excellent one since a number of Ballard Crew members were well acquainted with the Carmel Diner. In fact, a few of us might have been sitting inside at the counter enjoying a hamburger when the above shot was taken. Remember, this was the pre-McDonald's era when cows were cows and life was new!

Update 9/30/10: Skip Pearlman has added some great photos of the Carmel Diner (former) to his Facebook page - including photos of the original diner. Click Here to view.

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