Thursday, March 12, 2009

Giriat's At The Lake...

Many thanks to John Giriat for the following photos! The first shot was taken from Joe Giriat's dock, looking across the lake toward the "Spring House" (see Mickey's map below)...

"With my mom in 1949" - John...

John and Joe Giriat (running) at the Beach on Lake Ballard...

John and Joe Giriat, 1953...

"An early shot of my mom and dad on the lake, late 1940's" - John...

"Right to left: Dennis, my grandmother Margaret, my Aunt Betty, and my mom Marge at Denny's cabin late 1950's" - John...

"Taken on Denny's dock late 1950's. I remember Denny's dock would be submerged with all the people on it. This was one of many parties I remember at Denny's. In this photo my mother Marge Giriat is standing and her mother Margaret was sitting on the far right and Denny in the water." - John...

"Denny's dock late 1950's: My Grandmother Margaret at left, Dennis and Joe Giriat in backround" - John...
Joe Giriat (Jr.) on Denny's dock late 1950's...
(Click images to enlarge)


Anonymous said...


We moved to Milltown Road in 1992 and wondered about the history of Ballard Lake. When were the cottages abandoned and Why?

David said...

Greetings, Paco!

By the early 1960's, most of the kids (that's us!) had grown up - spending less and less time at the lake. In a way, the glow of summer gave way to the lure of the city, so one by one the families gave up their cabins. A few took places over by South Lake, one or two others went to Lake Whaley.

Subsequently, the owner (Van-Ness Ballard) gave up renting, thus the lake was left dormant. And has been ever since, although it now has a different owner.

Still, it was glorious while it lasted - a heaven-on-earth to us city kids! Simply magical.

How about yourself, are you overlooking the lake? If you're out after dark, don't worry about the ghosts - their friendly!

Thanks for dropping in; you may see me sitting on "The Rock" come summertime...

Anonymous said...

nice pictures brings back the feel of the lake in the day. thanks john , jim m .

Anonymous said...

Hi trying to get in touch with John Giriant. Please reply with contact information. Greatly appreciated!

David said...

Anonymous - Send your name (first and last) via email to davewrite-at-gmail-dot-com and I'll pass it along.

Thanks, Dave