Tuesday, May 13, 2008

January, 1952

(David, Peter, Isabel Giriat, Fran Molloy/Mom, Bill)

We're standing on the lake, a day of ice skating. In the background, Denny Giriat's cabin.

(Great views of Denny Giriat's cabin)

Pictured from left to right: Denny Giriat, Peter Molloy, Isabel Giriat, Fran Molloy, David Molloy (petting Denny's dog, "Buddy"). Click on pic(s) to enlarge!

Update; 2/25/09: The following photograph is of Denny Giriat (right) and Van Ness Ballard (center), taken outside Denny's cabin around 1950. Many thanks to John Giriat, a charter member of the Ballard Crew, for these great shots...

Denny's cabin...

Giriat's cabins: Joe's (left), Denny's (right)...

After the blizzard!..


Anonymous said...

Hi, I was a childhood friend of Denis Giriat (young son of Isabel and Denny Giriat). The Giriat's main residence was in Yonkers, NY and I was a neighbor of theirs. They moved there when Denis was in 3rd grade, and he and I attended school together almost through the close of our 5th grade year, 1959. At that time my family moved to the West coast. During those 3 years, I was a guest of the Giriat's many times out at their cabin on Lake Ballard. I also rowed their row boat many times on the lake, and one time that I can especially remember was when the Baptists were having a teen baptism ceremony at the camp. I remember all of the teens in their white robes as they were dunked into the lake, one by one. I was only about 8yo, and it scared me senseless to watch it happen, as I rowed as fast as I could past the ceremony and back to the "safety" of Giriat's dock, which was right next to the dock at the camp. That must have been in 1957, which is way after the time that the Baptist camp supposidly had ended. I also remember there was the stuffed head of a buffalo that hung on the wall inside Giriat's cabin. I think I still have a photo of it in my childhood photo album, along with other pictures of the lake. Rick Jacobel bmccc2001@yahoo.com

David said...

Greetings, Rick, great to hear from you! No doubt we crossed paths back then, so please consider yourself a charter member of the Ballard Crew.

Many of us also remember Giriat's huge buffalo head - as we slept in that very same cabin before subsequently acquiring our own. We originally met the Giriat's when they lived right across the street in New Rochelle.

My [slightly] younger brothers Bill and Peter were friends of Dennis (Jr.), and are pictured together in the photo labeled "Three Amigos" which was taken on the beach (Dennis is in shorts).

I/we also recall those strange baptisms - that is, 'strange' to us - which were performed in the area we called "The Beach" - portions of which you can see in addition to the Three Amigos photo... in the "Ballard Barbecue" shots displayed here.

If you find a Ballard picture or two you'd like to share, I'll be happy to post along with any copy you may wish to include. Who knows, you may even have that buffalo! And because of the miracle of Google, many old friends will sooner or later find us all here...

Meanwhile, drop in any time, Rick, so glad you found us!