Friday, May 9, 2008

Happy Birthday! 1957

Courtesy of Mickey & Karen Kwasnicki

This is just such a fantastic shot!* Hard to believe it was taken 50 years ago. There's Mickey smiling at the camera, and next to him brother Peter smiling at his spoon, and next to Peter brother Billy apparently engrossed in deep conversation! Sitting at the head of the table, it appears to be Bobby Mitchell, with at least one of the [unidentified] girls staring at him - in love again. From what I've heard, Bobby was quite the lady's man!

For the Molloy's, this picture offers an additional treat; our cabin - the camp's converted mess hall - in the background. Also, to the right, Ballard's "spider" emporium, also know as the camp's outhouse, although it did have plumbing (i.e., toilets). But at night, forget it!... Black Widows lurking behind the bowls the size of trucks! Just waiting to grab some kid and drag'em under the creaky floor. In the outhouse, it was Halloween all summer long. Oh, but what a joy!

Update: May 28, 2010: Same great party, different angles! At the head of the table, Dinny Keane! These shots were retrieved from the original slides, which accounts for the outstanding color and detail (given the time period!). Just look at that watermelon, you can almost taste it! And the cake, baked in a bungalow oven!

"I'm RICH!"

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