Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Peter & Geraldine

So thrilled to return... now with some fabulous pictures courtesy of Geraldine Tischer. This is the first in a series (just scroll down for the rest) - I couldn't resist posting this one all by itself: Peter and Geraldine, so adorable in their little party hats! And that's our (Molloy) cabin in the background. Just fantastic.

That's Geraldine with her arm around Peter - c.1951!
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Peter & Geraldine... & Friends

Peter & Geraldine c. 1960
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Peter & Geraldine, outside the Molloy cabin c.1958

Geraldine, ???, Mona-Lou, and Ruth Tully c.1959

Various Pics From Geraldine's Album

 Mona-Lou Amy & Patty Kwasnicki - late 1950's

 Jimmy K

 Munya & Bobby Mitchell in the hammock!

 Misc. photo taken at the rock.

Geraldine & Friends c.1958/9

Geraldine, Bobby Mitchell, Ellen
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Bobby Mitchell & Peter Molloy

Bobby, Peter, Geraldine, and Ellen(?). Looks like they're standing on Tischer's dock, with their cabin in the background. Great shot!

Bobby & Peter on Tischer's dock. Look, you can see one of the beach poles, and Pearl Island in the background!

Geraldine & Friends c.1951

 At the Beach! Remember the poles?! (Click images to enlarge)

Geraldine (center) and friends. And notice the white picket fence, maybe to keep the boys out!

Geraldine & Billy

Great group photo! I see Peter, Geraldine, Bobby Mitchel, Billy (Molloy), Dinny Keane, Dennis Giriat, and others you may recognize. What a blast!

Monday, April 6, 2015

Water Girl

Dee (Dorothy) Giriat, 1955

This is "Dee," and she appears to be at the pump located alongside Holmes Road, which was situated about two miles east of the Kelly place. Folks came from miles around to bottle its cool, clear, water - especially for drinking. Of course, this was long before the store-bought stuff came into being, and before such things became a virtual necessity. As you can tell, it took work to coax it up from the well, and a wagon train (car) to haul it back to Ballard. And although her aim seems a little off, she looks like an expert! A great photo, thanks to Dee!

(Stay tuned, the above is the first in a series!)

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Ballard Lake: A Brief History

May 2, 2010 (click to enlarge)

Constructed during the 1920’s by Arthur Ballard, Ballard Lake spans three main periods; the first from about 1930 until 1950, when the lake was used primarily as a Baptist summer camp for boys. The camp included an open-air chapel, large mess-hall, and roughly a dozen sleeping bungalows. The property was owned by the Arthur Ballard family of Holmes, New York, who at one time owned a great deal of land in the area. Mainly farmers, the Ballard's date back to pre-American Revolution.

The next [and partially concurrent] period evolved during the early 1930's, when Arthur Ballard, then the Ballard patriarch, began renting cabins beyond the main or central camp. On Mickey’s Map, these early rentals (and occupants) included Joe Giriat’s, Denny Giriat’s, Charlie Giriat’s, Mario’s, Louie’s, and Joe Krantz’s. Also the cabin which became known as the ”Spring House” which was located directly on Milltown Road overlooking the lake (NW corner) - and was the common/shared source for drinking water, with an exterior pump-house and accessible water-pipe situated next to the road.

Joe Krantz’s cabin, which was actually more akin to a house, represented the most substantial living-structure on the lake. Although the Spring House and the other structures are now gone, Joe Krantz's still survives - but barely. All these early rentals apparently went to Ballard family members, relatives, or close friends/associates – and may well have been exchanges, in that some of the renters constructed their own cabins; Charlie Giriat’s, for example. Regarding relatives, the Spring House was occupied by the "Judson's," Ballard cousins, until the early 1950's.

As the 1940’s came to a close, Ballard (first Arthur, then his son Van Ness) also rented the central bungalows as summer rentals. The Baptist camp was phasing out, although baptisms were performed “in” the lake until the 1960's (like the movie, "Oh Brother"). Interestingly, the rental agreements were quite informal by most standards - a nominal, annual payment, sealed by a handshake. By the early 50's, virtually all the structures on the lake had become rentals. The chapel and mess-hall were also converted to rentals, many of the summer residents then arriving by referral.

The heyday of Ballard Lake was from 1950 until the mid-60's, when every bungalow/cabin was occupied by us "city folk." Many of the pictures on this blog are from this period. This was also the era of two-parent families, usually with two or more kids. The cluster of cabins on the east-south/east side of the lake became known collectively as "the camp," and the camp jumped all summer long, and often into the fall. Including the lake itself which was alive with all types of fish, snakes, turtles, frogs, and… kids. This was before acid rain took a heavy toll on many of the aquatic creatures.

As the kids grew older, families started giving up their cabins, and by the late 60's hardly a familiar face could be found anywhere around the lake. Also, Arthur Ballard's son, Van Ness, had apparently grown weary of renting, that is, re-renting - and subsequently the lake became all but abandoned. This is when the squatters moved in; hippies, flower children, and freeloaders – plus a few renters. But remember, this was the notorious "60's" when everything was "free," including the cabin next door, which was often used as a source for firewood until one-by-one the cabins collapsed, then disappeared.

The lake and surrounding property were eventually sold by the Ballard family, bringing to an end the Ballard Lake history. Except for here, the Ballard Lake blog, which contains many fond memories, back when the lake was a great adventure to us city kids - when "Indians" stalked the woods, and snapping turtles surfaced like whales, and huge man-eating fish tried to pull us under! Back when the lake was teaming with life, and the night air filled with bright, electric bugs – and wide-eyed kids sailed the great Ballard Sea... into history.

© DM for the Ballard Crew

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Kwasnicki Family - 1959!

There's Mickey standing next to his dad eating watermelon! And that's his mom sitting on the right, with sister Patty (middle), and family friend Peggy Dixon (left). This great photo was taken on the deck of their cabin (aka "The Chapel"), their feet resting on the gangway down to the dock - which, by the way, was the best dock on Lake Ballard!

Remember those giant truck inner-tubes! Mickey with his mom and dad. 
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Saturday, August 11, 2012

Ballard Lake Reunion!

 Above photo courtesy of Karen Kwasnicki - August 11, 2012
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 August 11, 2012
Click here to see the "same" picture 50 years ago!

 More Lake Ballard Reunion pics HERE!

Friday, July 15, 2011

The Ponderosa-2

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This bright, sunny photo was taken in 1960, and shows Dianne Leuck's mom posing in front of their cabin, the "Ponderosa." The photographer (probably Dianne's dad) was standing on the small road which led to Joe Krantz's place. Immediately to the right and out of frame was the Sweeny's cabin, and just below that Leuck's dock. I think you'll agree that this photo really captures the light and shadow so typical of the era. You can also view the original Ponderosa post here.

Photo added 4/25/15:

Note: The "Ponderosa" (aka "The Spring House") had been previously occupied for many years by the "Judson's," Ballard relatives. The Judson family left the cabin in the early 1950's. And at least one, our own Charles Brooks, went west - all the way to California!

Saturday, May 14, 2011

The Kelly Place, Holmes, NY

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This is a very exciting find! It's the Kelly house on Holmes Road, about 1/2 mile east of Route 52. This superb, undated photograph by Yvonne Rabdau appears to have been taken just before the house disappeared around the year 2000, although it could just as well have been captured 50 or 100 years ago - as memory tells us there's been no material change in its appearance over these many intervening years. In fact, the only thing missing is the Kelly's themselves, sitting on the porch and waving at every car as it rolled by! Additional photos from the Kelly place may be found in the original Kelly post here. Also, note that the above image was cropped to fit the blog, so be sure to check out the full version posted at our Flickr site (listed under "Links" in the right sidebar).

Monday, May 9, 2011


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The long, arduous search is finally over! Thanks to Ballard Crew member George Paraskeva of Stormville, NY, Flossie's, once the holy grail of Ballard Lake shopping, has been returned to its rightful place on Route 52, and history! Feast your eyes upon her countenance! See the signs beckoning us in! Behold the glory of the world before Wal-Mart! Hers were the carefree days of pennies, nickels and dimes, of boys and girls walking from 1/2 miles around to shop at Flossie's! And get back up the hill before the milk turns sour! Don't forget the bread, careful with the eggs, buy yourself a Pepsi and bring home the change! Now and forever we'll fondly remember Flossie Ballard tending her tiny store, her young son Roger playing in the background - and all the joys of Ballard shopping! Read the comments for additional information, and check out the original Flossie post here.
Added: 1959 photo from Putnam County Courier; first row left, Flossie (black dress) with son Roger:

See complete list of names, many from the Ballard family, here. With a special note of thanks to Lori Kemp of "Carmel, NY" Facebook! 

RIP Flossie Ballard 1921-2012

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Thanksgiving, 1954!

These great photos - thanks to Mona-Lou Amy! - were taken inside Molloy's cabin (Jim & Fran Molloy pictured above) on Thanksgiving, 1954. One of many Amy-Molloy holiday get-togethers.

(L) Mona-Lou Amy, Pete Molloy, Jim Molloy, Bill Molloy.

(L) Bill Molloy, Mona-Lou Amy, Dave Molloy, Leslie Amy, Peter Molloy, Jim Molloy.

(L) Jim Molloy, Mona-Lou Amy, Lou & Eileen Amy, Bill Molloy, Leslie Amy.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Fall, 2010

Camp entrance, looking in from Milltown Road, the tree apparently downed by the recent storm. Photos by Jim Molloy - October 13, 2010

Looking east; 50 years ago we would have clearly seen Mitchell's (aka the Chapel) on the left, and the Red Dock near the center. The dark area in the center leads to what we knew as "The Beach."

Looking toward "The Rock" from Milltown Road.

Looking east toward Mitchell's, the Red Dock, and The Beach.

(Click photos to enlarge)

Saturday, July 10, 2010

The Ponderosa

Welcome home to the Leuck family! The Leuck's occupied the Ponderosa (aka "Spring House") from 1960 to 1981. Many thanks to Dianne Leuck-Sigmund for the following memories!

"The Ponderosa" ('Named after the TV series' - Dianne) - 1960

Ponderosa kitchen - 1960

Ponderosa "potbelly!" - 1960

Ponderosa's dock, constructed by Dianne's brothers. Pictured: Dianne's parents - Mom on the dock, Dad rowing the boat!

Dianne's daughters Heidi & Melissa on the Ballard ice; Melissa with her Grandpa

The Ponderosa - 1981

(side view - 1981)

Dianne Leuck-Sigmund - ice skating, 1966

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Vinny & Kit Keane

Vinny & Kit Keane (latter 1950's)

Vinny (Vincent)

Photos from the Keane family collection, courtesy of Mickey & Karen Kwasnicki!

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Pearl Island

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Here's part of the Ballard Crew in action, 1957 - looking from the "Red Dock." This terrific photo provided by Karen & Mickey Kwasnicki, courtesy of Dinny Keane.

Monday, March 29, 2010