Tuesday, October 27, 2009


This photo was taken during the early 1950s, and in the background (center) sits "Mario's" facing the camera. On the left is "Helen & Ed's" (aka Charlie Giriat's), and off to the right, partially hidden by the trees, is "Louie's." We're not sure of the photo's history, Jim (Molloy) discovered it recently in one of his albums. But the image represents the only photo to date showing Mario's cabin, making it a great find!


Anonymous said...

What a real find! Is that snow on the ground that I can see in the background? Yet the lake is still not frozen. Perhaps this photo was taken after one of the first snowfalls of that year. Rick Jacobel

David said...

That's snow, Rick, probably Thanksgiving 1953/4. Brother Jim, an adventurous lad, remembers braving the cold in the rowboat - but instead of oars, he was using a 3 1/2 hp outboard motor; a clear violation of all we hold dear! And the boat, old "Ironsides," a waterlogged behemoth perpetually poised on the verge sinking - taking its captain and crew down with it. Oh, the chances we took and got away with!