Saturday, April 18, 2009

The Great "Pabst" Caper

1942 - Above we see Pabst's delivery boy (aka "Joe Braun") outside Denny's cabin, captured by one of Ballard's notorious gunmen, Bob Coutard.

In the above we clearly see why, too, as Bob guzzles the hops from his nefarious caper.

The above is just one of Bob's accomplices, Denny Giriat! Of all people! I think his brother Charlie Giriat was in on it, too - because Denny and Bob are sitting (smashed) on Charlie's dock!

The above may also help explain why the Baptists abandoned Ballard, and went to Lake Whaley. That is, assuming they weren't in on this business in the first place. After all, that moonshine still us kids found buried in the woods wasn't built by the Ballard Crew!

(Great photos, thanks to Dorothy-Dee!)

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